ウィーン・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団(Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra)が24日、ニューヨークのメトロポリタン歌劇場の経営陣がオーケストラ・メンバーら職員に対して給与の支払いを停めていることに苦言を呈する公開書簡を発表した。要約、原文は以下の通り。
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
The world is watching. 30% of the members of the MET Orchestra can no longer sustain a living in New York City due to being faced with no salary from the Metropolitan Opera since April 1, 2020. This number will likely climb higher as the crisis continues. The Met’s global reputation and the cultural landscape of New York City would be devastated by the loss of artists of this calibre – this orchestra hosts some of the best players in the world. These musicians have a cultural and economic impact beyond that of bringing great opera to the world; they are teachers and mentors too. They contribute to the communities they live in by inspiring people in all areas and stages of life.
The members of the orchestra need more advocacy from their management and support from the Government. There should be more attention on this cultural devastation before it is too late. We as colleagues and friends from the Vienna Philharmonic hope that the Metropolitan Opera can find ways to adapt and include their house musicians in their programming efforts going forward.
Daniel Froschauer
Vorstand der Wiener Philharmoniker
写真:Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra