マドリッド発 〓 ドミンゴがSNSで新型コロナウイルス感染を明らかに


世界的なオペラ歌手プラシド・ドミンゴ(Plácido Domingo)がSNSを通じて、新型コロナウイルスに感染したことを明らかにした。


I feel it is my moral duty to announce to you that I have tested positive for COVID19, the Corona virus. My Family and I are all in self isolation for as long as it is deemed medically necessary. Currently we are all in good health but I experienced fever and cough symptoms therefore deciding to get tested and the result came back positive.

I beg everyone to be extremely careful, follow the basic guidelines by washing your hands frequently, keeping at least a 6 feet distance from others, doing everything you can to stop the virus from spreading and please above all stay home if you can ! Together we can fight this virus and stop the current worldwide crisis, so we can hopefully return to our normal daily lives very soon. Please follow your local government’s guidelines and regulations for staying safe and protecting not just yourselves but our entire community.

Plácido Domingo

写真:placidodomingo.com / Chad Batka

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