International Summer Festival of El Escorial
Festival Internacional de Verano de El Escorial

 El Escorial … Spain

 2023:8.4 … 8.26

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How about this?

  1. Meeting in Saulkrasti
    Kamermūzikas Festivālu Satikšanās Saulkrastos

  2. Franschhoek Classical Music Festival
    Franschhoek Classical Music Festival

  3. Festival of Nations
    Festival delle Nazioni

  4. Martha Argerich Festival
    Martha Argerich Festival

  5. Edinburgh Internatioanl Festival
    Edinburgh Internatioanl Festival

  6. Pan Opera Festival
    Pan Opera Festival

  7. Budapest Summer Festival
    Budapesti Nyári Fesztivál

  8. Viva Musica!
    Viva Musica!

  9. Lycka Chamber Music Festival
    Lyckå Kammarmusik Festival

  10. Ascona Music Festival
    Le Settimane Musicali – Ascona

  11. Brno Janáček Festival
    Janáček Brno

  12. Geneva Music Festival
    Geneva Music Festival

  13. musica

  14. Stockholm Early Music Festival
    Nordens största internationella festival för barock

  15. Stuttgart Music Festival
    Musikfest Stuttgart