It was revealed that the Avenches Opera Foundation in Switzerland had declared bankruptcy at the end of January.
The Foundation has been hosting the “Festival d’opéra Avenches” in the summer, using the amphitheater built during the Roman Empire since 1995. It was difficult to continue the activity, and the festival ended in the summer of 2019, which was the 24th time.
Avenches is located in the province of Vaud and prospered as Aventicum, the capital of the region, which was called “Helvetia” during the Roman Empire.
The opera festival specially set up 6,000 seats in the amphitheater and attracted an audience of around 50,000 every year. According to local media reports, debt has been accumulating for several years, and the loss of another 200,000 francs in 2019.
AVENCHES 〓 The foundation that runs the summer opera festival has declared bankruptcy

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