Young Euro Classic
Young Euro Classic

 Berlin … Germany

 2024:8.9 … 8.25

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How about this?

  1. Iitti Music Festival
    Iitin Musiikkijuhlat

  2. Ruse March Music Days
    Мартенски Музикални Дни

  3. Baltic Opera Festival
    Bałtycki Festiwal Operowy

  4. Clandeboye Festival
    Clandeboye Festival

  5. Szeged Open Air Festival
    Szegedi Szabadtéri Játékok

  6. PREMIERE 2023/2024[Bavarian State Opera]The Marriage of Figaro

  7. Blossom Music Festival
    Blossom Music Festival

  8. PREMIERE 2019-20[Frankfurt Opera]Tristan und Isolde

  9. Norfolk & Norwich Festival
    Norfolk & Norwich Festival

  10. Princeton Festival
    Princeton Festival

  11. Spoleto Festival USA
    Spoleto Festival USA

  12. Salzburg Festival
    Salzburger Festspiele

  13. Elora Festival
    Elora Festival

  14. Xalapa Early Music Festival
    Festival de Música Antigua “La Festa Antiqua”

  15. English Song Weekend
    English Song Weekend