Opera Sanxay
Soirées Lyriques de Sanxay

 Sanxay … France


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How about this?

  1. International Chamber Music Festival Wassenaar
    Internationaal Kamermuziekfestival Wassenaar

  2. Summer Classic
    Verão Clássico

  3. Tuckamore Chamber Music Festival
    Tuckamore Chamber Music Festival

  4. Stockholm Early Music Festival
    Nordens största internationella festival för barock

  5. Thuringen Bach Week
    Thüringer Bachwochen

  6. Ortús Chamber Music Festival
    Ortús Chamber Music Festival

  7. InClassica International Music Festival
    InClassica International Music Festival

  8. Aldeburgh Festival
    Aldeburgh Festival

  9. Pan Opera Festival
    Pan Opera Festival

  10. Britt Music and Arts Festival
    Britt Music and Arts Festival

  11. West Wicklow Chamber Music Festival
    West Wicklow Chamber Music Festival

  12. Nevill Holt Festival(EX:Nevill Holt Opera)
    Nevill Holt Festival(EX:Nevill Holt Opera)

  13. ArsLonga International Music Festival
    Международный музыкальный фестиваль ArsLonga

  14. International Bach Chamber Music Festival
    Starptautisko Baha kamermūzikas festivālu

  15. Festival of Chichester
    Festival of Chichester