Festival Stars of the White Nights
Музыкальный фестиваль Звезды белых ночей

 St. Petersburg … Russia

 2024:5.27 … 7.11

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Whether it was an opera or a ballet, the “Bolshoi Theater” in Moscow was spotlighted during the Soviet era. However, historically there is much weight towards the “Mariinsky Theater” in St. Petersburg, the ancient capital of the imperial Russian era.

In the latter half of the 18th century, Grinka, Mussorgsky and Tchaikovsky opera were all premiered at the theater which was established as a dedicated theater for opera and ballet under the decree of Empress Ekaterina II at the time. Famous ballets such as “Swan Lake” and “Sleeping Beauty” were premiered here.

A prestigious theater with such a brilliant history also reached a pinch with the collapse of the Soviet Union. It was Valery Gergiev, the conductor who is still the artistic director, who saved that crisis.

When he assumed the role of artistic director in 1989 (still 35 years old!), He exercised strong leadership to rethink the theater. While excavating excellent young singers, new recordings were released one after another to the Westeran Europe. He led a reputed orchestra and performed all over the world, making a major breakthrough over the golden age.

This music festival is a music festival that the “Mariinsky Theater” is working on. It is also the largest music festival in Russia that makes you feel the power of the “Mariinsky Theater”, which is now the first opera house in Russia.

Festival is held from the end of May to the middle of July in the “white night” when the sun never goes down. During the “White Night”, various events are held in St. Petersburg, and the whole city is enthusiastic. This music festival is at the heart of it and has attracted the attention of music lovers around the world.

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