Königswinkel Music Festival
Musikfestspiele Königswinkel

 Königswinkel … Germany

 2023:9.28 … 10.3

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How about this?

  1. Chigiana International Festival
    Chigiana International Festival

  2. Iitti Music Festival
    Iitin Musiikkijuhlat

  3. Confidencen Opera
    Opera på Confidencen

  4. Music Festival of Sully and Loiret
    Festival de Musique de Sully et du Loiret

  5. Donizetti Opera Festival
    Donizetti Opera Festival

  6. Festiavle of Saint Michel in Thiérache Abbey
    Festiavle de Abbaye de Saint Michel en Thiérache

  7. Malatesta Music Festival
    Sagra Musicale Malatestiana

  8. September Music
    Septiembre Musical

  9. Flanders Festival Ghent
    Gent Festival van Vlaanderen

  10. PREMIERE 2019-20[Frankfurt Opera]Salome

  11. Nürnberger Klassik Open Air
    Nuremberg Classic Open Air

  12. Milano Musica
    Milano Musica

  13. Christopher Summer Festival
    Kristupo Festivalis

  14. Tartini festival
    Tartini festivala

  15. PREMIERE 2020-21[Hamburg State Opera]Manon