Gstaad Menuhin Festival
Gstaad Menuhin Festival

 Gstaad … Switzerland

 2025:7.18 … 9.6

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Yehudi Menuhin, known as a child prodigy violinist. Later, as a conductor and educator, he started this music festival in 1956 at a mountain cottage in the resort town of Gustart in the central Swiss Alps. The music festival then expanded, creating a music academy for young artists, and in 1977 the “Menuhin Music School” was also established.

The music festival was taken over after Menuhin died in 1999, and the festival orchestra was founded in 2010. While the main venue is a music tent that uses a building that is usually used for indoor tennis, concerts are also held at nearby facilities such as churches.

In addition to concerts featuring academy instructors such as Andras Schiff and Cecilia Bartoli, the London Symphony Orchestra, which has a close relationship with Menuhin, and orchestras such as the Russian National Orchestra are performing. Of course, there are many appearances by big artists such as Martha Argerich.

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