Merano Music Festival
Meraner Musikwochen


 2023:8.17 … 9.20

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How about this?

  1. Rockport Chamber Music Festival
    Rockport Chamber Music Festival

  2. Ruse March Music Days
    Мартенски Музикални Дни

  3. Chieti Classic
    Chieti Classica

  4. Carmel Bach Festival
    Carmel Bach Festival

  5. Lisbon Opera Festival
    Operafest Lisboa

  6. Texas Music Festival
    Texas Music Festival

  7. Presteigne Festival
    Presteigne Festival

  8. Autumn Festival of Sacred Music Olomouc
    Podzimní festival duchovní hudby Olomouc

  9. İzmi̇r International Festival
    Uluslararasi İzmi̇r Festi̇vali̇

  10. Wuerzburg Mozart Festival
    Mozartfest Wuerzburg

  11. Tsinandali Festival
    წინანდლის ფესტივალი

  12. Con Spirito – Church Music Festival
    Con Spirito – Egyházzenei Fesztivál

  13. Festiavle of Saint Michel in Thiérache Abbey
    Festiavle de Abbaye de Saint Michel en Thiérache

  14. Banchetto Musicale
    Banchetto Musicale

  15. Brežice Early Music Festival
    Seviqc Brežice