Longborough Festival Opera
Longborough Festival Opera

 Longborough … United Kingdom

 2024:6.16 … 8.6

  To the festival site ▷

The festival takes place in Longborough, southwest England, from June to early August, and is known for performing Wagner’s “The Ring of the Nibelung” in England. In 2019, the co-founders of the music festival, Martin Graham and Lizzie Graham, were awarded the Reginald Goodall Award by the International Wagner Association.

From 2018, director Polly Graham, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Graham, has been appointed artistic director of the festival. After Polly graduated from college, she studied at the Welsh National Opera in Cardiff, where she studied under director David Pountney. She was nominated for a newcomer award at the “International Opera Awards” in 2017.

The festival has just started the performance of the new “Ring Cycle” from 2019. Amy Lane is working on the new production. The second “Valkyrie” scheduled for 2020 was delayed to 2021 due to the pandemic of the new coronavirus, but “Siegfried” will be performed in 2022 and “Twilight of the Gods” will be performed in 2023. So, in 2024, four works are scheduled to be performed through.

“Cycle” is conducted by Anthony Negus, the music director of the festival. He also received the “Reginald Goodall Award” in 2018. There are no star singers, but talented people who are active in the UK gather.

Of course, works other than Wagner are also performed at the festival, and in 2021, Monteverdi’s “The Return of Ulysse”, Mozart’s “Così fan tutte”, and Janacek’s “The Cunning Little Vixen” are performed.

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