Santa Fe Opera
Santa Fe Opera

 Saratoga Springs … United States

 2024:6.28 … 8.24

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    Aldeburgh Festival

  3. Wiltz Festival
    Festival de Wiltz

  4. Jerusalem International Chamber Music Festival
    הפסטיבל הבינלאומי העשרים וארבעה למוסיקה קאמרית

  5. Lisbon Opera Festival
    Operafest Lisboa

  6. Oscarsborg Opera
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  7. Leeds Opera Festival
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  8. Grange Festival
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  10. Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival
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  11. Bartók Spring International Arts Weeks
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  12. MUSIC FESTIVAL Argerich’s Meeting Point in Beppu

  13. Festival of Nations
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  14. West Cork Chamber Music Festival
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  15. Aspen Music Festival
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