琉森 〓 Vladimir Ashkenazy宣布退休


指挥兼钢琴家Vladimir Ashkenazy宣布将通过管理层退休。 Ashkenazy今年82岁,出生于前苏联的高尔基(现为下诺夫哥罗德)。 他与Maurizio Pollini和Martha Argerich一样,是20世纪后期的主要钢琴家之一。 在1980年代,他成为一名指挥,并曾担任全球乐团的首席指挥和音乐总监。

作为钢琴家,他在1955年肖邦国际钢琴比赛中获得第二名。 此后,他进入莫斯科音乐学院。 在学生时期,她赢得了1956年伊丽莎白女王国际音乐比赛的冠军。 比赛结束后,他在欧洲和北美相继举办了音乐会,并获得了轰动性的成功。 1962年,从音乐学院毕业后,他在柴可夫斯基国际比赛中与John Ogdon分享了自己的胜利,使他在年轻时就享誉全球。

他于1963年离开苏联,移居伦敦。 当局说服他返回,但在1972年,他获得了冰岛国籍。 首位担任音乐总监是英国皇家爱乐乐团。 他于1987年上任,直到1994年担任音乐总监。 在1989年任职期间,他和乐团一起訪問戈尔巴乔夫领导下的苏联,这是26年以来他首次返回苏联。



“Vladimir Ashkenazy, conductor, pianist, musician, artist and humanist has decided that the time has come for him to retire from public performances and to do so with immediate effect.

For his countless admirers around the planet, so many of whom have never known a world in which his incomparable artistry and his ineffable dedication to the great human gift of music have not been constants in their lives, whether in performances of a vast repertoire of great music stretching from Bach to Shostakovich, or through his prodigious catalogue of recordings which have ensured that his music could always be heard everywhere without borders or limitations, this will be a sombre day.

His music making has been at the heart of the concert seasons of the greatest halls and festivals around the world. However, he has always believed that music is a gift of spiritual enlightenment for everyone, and he has throughout his 70 year career never neglected smaller places including tiny islands and remote communities.

I count it as one of the greatest blessings of my life that I was given the privilege of working for and with him when I was just 21, and his extraordinary qualities as an artist and person combined with a character and personality of such profound modesty and generosity have been an inspiration and influence which remain as important to me today as it was 54 years ago.

We at HarrisonParrott in our 50th anniversary year have been proud to celebrate his life‘s work and his role as the father of our firm and his influence on how we all think of the values we try to uphold in our work, as well as in the duties and responsibilities we undertake, has been profound.

So many of the musicians and orchestras with whom Vladimir Ashkenazy has made music with over the decades will surely be inexpressibly sad about his decision, but we can all take comfort in the sure knowledge that music, even if not in public performance, will continue to inhabit every hour of his life and will be shared with joy and satisfaction within his devoted family and among his friends.” — Jasper Parrott

写真:Harrison Parrott / Keith Saunders

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