Berlin 〓 Berliner Philharmoniker announced programming for the 2018/2019 season


Berliner Philharmoniker announced programming for the 2018/2019 season. In the 2018/2019 season, the artistic director switches from Simon Rattle to Kirill Petrenko (= Photo). According to the press release, the number of concerts performed during the season is 121, and the opera performance is 6. Perform 90 performances out of the concert, 2 performances out of the opera perform in the home philharmonic. There are 29 concerts on tour. At the Baden-Baden Music Festival in Easter time, perform concerts and opera performances four times respectively.

The conductor who will debut in Berlin Phil is Jakub Hrůša, Michael Sanderling and Constantinos Carydis. The soloists are Carolin Widmann (violin), Marianne Crebassa (mezzo soprano), Cedric Tiberghien (piano), Paul Lewis (piano), Martin Grubinger (percussion). Also, the conductor who appears for the first time in a long time is Sakari Oramo, Valery Gergiev. In “Artist in Residence”, Russian pianist Danil Triffonov is selected, while “Composer in Residence” is George Benjamin of the UK.
Photo:Berliner Philharmoniker

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