Classical Tahoe
Classical Tahoe

 North Lake Tahoe … United States

 2024:7.10 … 8.4

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How about this?

  1. Pyrenees Ancient Music Festival
    Festival de Música Antiga dels Pirineus

  2. Spannungen

  3. Veneto Opera Estate Festival
    Opera Estate Festival Veneto

  4. Halle Handel Festival
    Händel-Festspiele Halle

  5. Leeds Lieder Festival
    Leeds Lieder Festival

  6. Habana Clásica
    Habana Clásica

  7. PREMIERE 2019-20[Metropolitan Opera]Porgy and Bess

  8. Bologna Festival Respighi
    Festival Respighi Bologna

  9. Athens Epidaurus Festival
    Φεστιβάλ Αθηνών Επιδαύρου

  10. International Festival Wratislavia Cantans
    Festiwalu Wratislavia Cantans

  11. Premiere 2018/2019 ★ Metropolitan Opera … La traviata

  12. Alessandro Stradella Baroque Festival
    Festival Barocco Alessandro Stradella

  13. Convent Capuchos Music Festival
    Festival de Música dos Capuchos

  14. Festival Napa Valley
    Festival Napa Valley

  15. Perth Arts Festival
    Perth Arts Festival