Bayreuther Baroque
Bayreuther Baroque

 Bayreuth … Germany

 2025:9.4 … 9.14

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How about this?

  1. Oxford Piano Festival
    Oxford Piano Festival

  2. St.Gallen Festival
    St.Galler Festspiele

  3. Berkshire Opera Festival
    Berkshire Opera Festival

  4. Ortús Chamber Music Festival
    Ortús Chamber Music Festival

  5. Pollença Festival
    Festival de Pollença

  6. Davos Festival
    Davos Festival

  7. Marrowstone Music Festival
    Marrowstone Music Festival

  8. Biwako Spring

  9. Ultima Oslo Contemporary Music Festival

  10. Ostrava Days
    Ostravské centrum nové hudby

  11. Budapest Summer Festival
    Budapesti Nyári Fesztivál

  12. POLIN Music Festival
    POLIN Music Festivalu

  13. Budapest Autumn Festival
    Budapesti Őszi Fesztivál

  14. Budapest Spring Festival
    Budapesti Tavaszi Fesztivál

  15. Parnu Music Festival
    Pärnu Muusikafestival