Athens Baroque Festival
Athens Baroque Festival

 Athens … Greece

 2024:9.19 … 9.21

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How about this?

  1. BBC Proms
    BBC Proms

  2. Oberstdorf Summer of Music
    Oberstdorfer Musiksommer

  3. Vilnius Festivals
    Vilniaus festivalių

  4. Heidelberg Spring International Music Festival
    Musikfestival Heidelberger Frühling

  5. Estella Early Music Week
    Semana De Música Antigua De Estella

  6. Oregon Bach Festival
    Oregon Bach Festival

  7. Darmstadt International Summer Courses for New Music
    Darmstädter Ferienkurse

  8. Ribeauvillé Early Music Festival
    Festival de musique ancienne de Ribeauvillé

  9. Maribor Festival
    Festival Maribor

  10. York early music festival
    York early music festival

  11. LvivMozArt

  12. Con spirito – Leipzig Chamber Music Festival
    Con spirito – Leipziger Kammermusikfestival

  13. Edinburgh Internatioanl Festival
    Edinburgh Internatioanl Festival

  14. Just Classik Festival
    Just Classik Festival

  15. Tulchyn Opera Festival
    Операфест Тульчин