歌剧首演 2018/2019 ★ 柏林国家歌剧院 … 麦迪亚

9月28日 … 柏林国家歌剧院, 柏林

导演 … 卡里希托·比埃托
出演 … John Tomlinson = Moses / Lance Ryan = Aron / Tahnee Niboro = Ein junges Mädchen / Christa Mayer = Eine Kranke / Simeon Esper = Ein junger Mann, ein nackter Jüngling / Matthias Henneberg = Ein anderer Mann, Ephraimit / Magnus Piontek = Ein Priester / Kim Beomjin = Ein Jüngling
乐队指挥 … 艾伦·吉尔伯特
管弦乐队 … Sächsische Staatskapelle Dresden
合唱 … Sächsischer Staatsopernchor Dresden / Sinfoniechor Dresden / Kinderchor der Sächsischen Staatsoper Dresden / Vocalconsort Berlin

“Moses und Aron” decorated the opening of the 2018/2019 season. It was in 1975 that this work was first performed at the Saxony State Opera (Semperoper). It was a premiere in East Germany. The directing at that time was Harry Kupfer. This new production is Calixto Bieito from Catalunya who has been talking about the subject in radical production. One of the themes that can be asked in the work is “Do you see God or not?” Bieito moved the stage of the story to modern society. There are people who will use the virtual reality goggles and live by seeing their personality. They respond to what they saw in their own way. It was John Tomlinson who had been singing the role many times so far that was appointed to Moses. He is known as the premier of Moses’ singing. There is no doubt that his presence greatly contributed to the success of the performance.

照片:Sächsischen Staatsoper Dresden / Ludwig Olah

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