柏林 〓 柏林爱乐乐团将 “欧洲音乐会 “的地点从奥德萨改为拉脱维亚的利帕亚


柏林爱乐乐团宣布今年的 “欧洲音乐会 “地点有所改变。该音乐会原定在乌克兰的奥德萨举行。由于俄罗斯入侵乌克兰,音乐会无法举行,因此场地将改为位于拉脱维亚西部波罗的海沿岸城市利帕亚的’大琥珀音乐厅’。

柏林爱乐的’欧洲音乐会’是根据Claudio Abbado的想法于1991年创办的,他接替Herbert von Karajan担任首席指挥和艺术总监。它一直在每年的5月1日,即乐团成立的周年纪念日,在欧洲各地的大厅和历史建筑中举行。


音乐会还将邀请来自拉脱维亚的女中音歌唱家Elīna Garanča参加,拉脱维亚与乌克兰一样,从前苏联独立出来。她将演唱一首由贝里奥创作的女中音和管弦乐队的作品《民歌》。这场音乐会由首席指挥Kirill Petrenko指挥。


图片:Great Amber-Konzerthalle / Karlis Volkovskis

 ……… Garanča的帖子

Dear friends – this is to inform you that last Thursday, on the first day of attack on Ukraine, I have withdrawn completely from any future concerts in Russia.

I find it irresponsible and highly immoral to have my name associated with any events in a country that has decided in the light of the criminal war waged by the Russian regime against the democratic and independent nation of Ukraine, and against the European open society as a whole.

I can not support people who support Putin and his regime even if they are trapped in not being able to give an open and honest statement. But being a Latvian, knowing what invasion and occupation is, me being a mother and teaching my children the meaning of morality, I stand with my voice for freedom and independence of Ukraine!

War is NO solution!

Music indeed has to unite, and what would the world be without cultural exchanges between each other, but, as history has shown, we can and should be able to choose which political leaders’ ideology to follow!

My heart breaks for Ukraine and my Ukrainian colleagues! NO to war in Ukraine! 💙💛

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