罗马 〓 Riccardo Muti已致孔戴总理公开信,要求他重新开放剧院



为响应政府的这一回应,指挥Riccardo Muti发表了一封信,要求重新开放剧院。 该信于26日发布,致孔戴总理。 全文如下。











Dear President Conte,

While I understand your difficult responsibilities in this long and tragic period for our country, and with the urgent need to safeguard the health of our fellow citizens, I am impelled to make a heartfelt appeal.

Closing concert halls and theatres is a grave decision. The impoverishment of the mind and spirit is dangerous and also harms physical health. To define theatrical and musical activity, as I have heard some government representatives say, as “superfluous” is an expression of ignorance, and shows a lack of culture and sensitivity.

Such a decision does not take into account the sacrifice and suffering of thousands of artists and workers from all sectors of the performing arts who are insulted by this decision and are left fearful for their futures.

I ask you, confident that I’m conveying the thoughts not only of the artists but also of much of the public, to give life back to theatres and musical activities so they can provide the spiritual sustenance without which society is becoming more and more brutalized.

The theatres are governed by people who are well aware of the anti-Covid regulations and the safety measures indicated, and rules have always been meticulously respected.

I hope that you will listen to this appeal,

With warm regards,

图片:riccardomuti.com / Martin Kubik

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