Bansko Opera & Ballet
Банско Опера Фест

 Bansko … Bulgaria

 2023:8.25 … 8.26

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How about this?

  1. Bayreuth Wagner Festival
    Bayreuther Festspiele

  2. Steyr Music Festival
    Musik Festival Steyr

  3. Festival For the Treasures of Broumov
    Festivalu Za poklady Broumovska

  4. If Opera
    If Opera

  5. Classical Festival Castle Kirchstetten
    Klassik Festival Schloss Kirchstetten

  6. Miskolc Bartok Plus Opera Festival
    Bartók Plusz Operafesztivál

  7. Canal Festival

  8. Orfeo Music Festival
    Orfeo Music Festival

  9. July Musical Trapanese
    Luglio Musicale Trapanese

  10. Donizetti Opera Festival
    Donizetti Opera Festival

  11. Musika Música
    Musika Música

  12. Wexford Festival Opera
    Wexford Festival Opera

  13. Herning Opera Festival
    Herning Opera Festival

  14. Concentus Moraviae
    Concentus Moraviae

  15. Lahti International Sibelius Festival