Romantic Nights Festival
Festival des Nuits Romantiques

 Aix-les-Bains … France

 2024:9.28 … 10.5

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How about this?

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  2. Göttingen International Handel Festival
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  3. International Summer Opera Festival of Morelia
    International Summer Opera Festival of Morelia

  4. Budapest Summer Festival
    Budapesti Nyári Fesztivál

  5. Mantova Chamber Music Festival
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  6. PROTOTYPE Festival
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  7. Grange Festival
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  8. Villa-Lobos International Chamber Music Festival
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  9. Krynica-Zdroj Jan Kiepura Festival
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  10. Ludwig van Beethoven Easter Festival
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  11. Summer Festival of Early Music
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  12. Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival
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  13. Musika Música
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  14. Alden Biesen Summer Opera
    Zomeropera Alden Biesen

  15. Torroella de Montgrí Festival
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