Thuringen Bach Week
Thüringer Bachwochen

 Erfurt … Germany

 2024:3.21 … 4.14

  To the festival site ▷

How about this?

  1. Tremolo Festival
    Фестиваль Тремоло

  2. International Music Festival of F. L. Vek
    Mezinárodní hudební festival F. L. Věka

  3. International Festival Sarajevo – Sarajevo Winter
    Sarajevska zima

  4. Musical Evenings at St Donatus
    Glazbene večeri u Sv. Donatu

  5. PREMIERE 2018-2019 ★ Bayerische Staatsoper … Karl V.

  6. Autumn Festival of Sacred Music Olomouc
    Podzimní festival duchovní hudby Olomouc

  7. International Summer Festival of El Escorial
    Festival Internacional de Verano de El Escorial

  8. Tetbury Music Festival
    Tetbury Music Festival

  9. Donaueschingen music days
    Donaueschinger Musiktage

  10. Florence May Music Festival
    Maggio Musicale Fiorentino

  11. Sofia Music Weeks
    Софийски музикални седмици

  12. Festival Brunetti
    Festival Brunetti

  13. Marrowstone Music Festival
    Marrowstone Music Festival

  14. PREMIERE 2020-21[Saxony State Opera]Capriccio

  15. Leeds Lieder Festival
    Leeds Lieder Festival