MITO SettembreMusica
MITO SettembreMusica

 Milano / Torino … Italy

 2024:9.6 … 9.22

  To the festival site ▷

How about this?

  1. Abu Dhabi Festival
    Abu Dhabi Festival

  2. Festival Ravel
    Festival Ravel

  3. Music in PyeongChang

  4. MAfestival Brugge
    MAfestival Brugge

  5. PREMIERE 2019-20[Teatro alla Scala]The Egyptian Helen

  6. PREMIERE 2020-21[Macerata Opera Festival]Aida

  7. Philadelphia International Music Camp & Festival
    Philadelphia International Music Camp & Festival

  8. Sydney Festival
    Sydney Festival

  9. Chigiana International Festival
    Chigiana International Festival

  10. Budapest Autumn Festival
    Budapesti Őszi Fesztivál

  11. Sion Festival
    Sion Festival

  12. Liepāja International Star Festival
    Liepājas Starptautisko Zvaigžņu Festivālu

  13. Ravenna Festival
    Ravenna Festival

  14. Gotthard Classic Festival Andermatt
    Gotthard Klassik-Festival Andermatt

  15. Festival of Nations
    Festival delle Nazioni