Klosters Music
Klosters Music

 Klosters … Switzerland

 2024:7.27 … 8.4

  To the festival site ▷

How about this?

  1. Satasoitto

  2. Tulchyn Opera Festival
    Операфест Тульчин

  3. Steyr Music Festival
    Musik Festival Steyr

  4. Ultima Oslo Contemporary Music Festival

  5. St.Magnus international festival
    St.Magnus international festival

  6. Ilumina Festival
    Ilumina Festival

  7. Bauge Opera
    Opéra de Baugé

  8. İzmi̇r International Festival
    Uluslararasi İzmi̇r Festi̇vali̇

  9. PREMIERE 2019-20[Opernhaus Zürich]Iphigenie en Tauride

  10. Brno Janáček Festival
    Janáček Brno

  11. Verdi Festival
    Festival Verdi

  12. Eastern Music Festival
    Eastern Music Festival

  13. Hitzacker Summer music days
    Sommerliche Musiktage Hitzacker

  14. Cheltenham festival
    Cheltenham festival

  15. Perth Arts Festival
    Perth Arts Festival