Archive for ‘ August, 2024 ’

  1. CHICAGO 〓 Two Veteran Chicago Symphony Players Retire, 45 and 39 Years with the Symphony

    •  United States 
    • News
  2. JERUSALEM 〓 Jerusalem Chamber Music Festival cancels this year’s event due to intensified fighting between Israel and Ḥizb Allāh

    •  Israel 
    • Festival Information
  3. BAYREUTH 〓 Bayreuth Festival Closes, Tickets Sold Out This Year

    •  Germany 
    • Festival Information
  4. BAYREUTH 〓 Bayreuth Festival has announced the dissolution of its permanent choir

    •  Germany 
    • News
  5. MOSCOW 〓 State Academic Symphony Orchestra Russia “Evgeny Svetlanov” has named Philip Chizhevsky as Artistic Director

    •  Russia 
    • News